“Not Forsaken” book by Louis Giglio chapter 5

If you have read my posts up until this point. The first chapter was an amazing introduction. The next three chapters slowly introduces new concepts and gently discusses various topics. Then came chapter 5.

Louis hits the peddle like being in a drag car doing a 4 second quarter mile. He builds upon what has been discussed and opens up.

Time to put on the helmet and get down to business. At the time of writing. I have yet to read any other chapters. This was a soul moving chapter. Ever read something and the Holy Spirit has your full attention…yeah that!

God was silent for 400 years before Jesus was born. Not a peep, a miracle NOTHING! There were a few angels sent a few months before and a few instances about Jesus.

As the book mentioned. We take for granted going from Malachi to Matthew I the Bible. We don’t have to wait 400 years. Does make me think about Gods people during that time?

The chapter introduces the concept of camping at the cross. It talks about the gruesome death Jesus did for each of us. God the father sent his only son, who until his birth on earth, was in perfect unity.

To have your Heavenly Father forsake, even for a split second, compared to eternity was a long time.

Jesus knew of our pain…

Jesus knew what it was to be forsaken by His Almighty Father. Abandoned. Naked. Beaten. Wounded. Rejected. That’s how Jesus died. When He died, Jesus made good on the hope set forth in Malachi’s last prophetic bridge to the future. Now, through Christ, God could forgive you. Cover your sins, cancel your debt, and cast away your shame forever. Raise you with Christ to new life and call you son or daughter. Jesus was forsaken so that you would never have to be forsaken! That’s the significance of the title of this book. Thanks to the cross, you are not forsaken.

I had never thought in-depth how Jesus could relate to every pain. When he was on the cross, he felt shame, was alone, and everything else that is not holy. That moment in eternity God dealt with our shortcomings.

This statement wants me to stand on a top of a table, dance around and celebrate. Shout to the heavens and say thank you. Regardless of what is happening or will happen, my father in heaven has got my back through is son. There are no exceptions. The enemy knows this and tries to tempt and distract us.

Chapter five removes the restraints:

“dad you must return to the cross of Christ again and again.”

If you have issues with your earthly father. We must return to the cross. The sacrifice Jesus did heals all. We have to nail to the cross. All hurt, all pain, all suffering Jesus did already and he wants us to give our hurts and hang ups to him.

Leave at the cross. His blood covers us and gives atonement for us before our Heavenly Father. This is a powerful concept. If you sin over and over, return to the cross. Hand to Jesus and his love that covers all and we can’t grasp how much he loves his creation.

Having such a person with complete authority, understanding and love for us. That is such a blessing and a reminder I needed to hear. At times I struggle with stuff, such as “imposter syndrome” what is something so deep you don’t want to share publicly?

I struggle with _______ so bad and I want God to take from me. Are you ready to let go or are you not ready to give it up because it feels so comfortable even though it is a sin. Anger? Bitterness? Abuse? Jealousy? Return to the cross. God opened a door to remove that pain, whatever it is.

Chapter 5 brings the cross and sacrifice front and center. God was us to stay there until all our hurt is gone. When we are healed, we can help others so much more effectively. We don’t need to be perfectly healed to help others. It is a journey.

“The cross of Christ is proof that God can take the worst and bring something good from it.”

The “murder” on the cross was wrong by any standard. An innocent man died an gruesome two pieces of wood. He did that for each of us. I recall watching the movie “Passion of Christ”.

My emotions turned to anger wanting to punish the soldiers and people in authority. God ordained these actions to restore a way for his creation to have a relationship again. It took this level of suffering. We all avoided having to go through eternity paying for our sinful nature. We should praise Jesus and thank him always! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

As I conclude this post, this was a powerful chapter and the Holy Spirit moved in me. I can not imagine what will be revealed to come!

On to chapter 6…






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